A really good organisation called Lifespan

September 21, 2012 § 10 Comments

Dinosaur bone cabochon in sterling silver handmade cage

Now here’s an ironic thing.

Every year, for a few years now, I’ve made a piece of jewellery for an auction held by a charity called Lifespan.

Lifespan is a small Northumberland based charity, that helps out sufferers of serious illnesses and their families, cope with the effects of the illness on their life.

The help they offer is free of charge and includes, sitting services, counselling and various complementary therapies. They do sterling work.

So the irony is, that I find myself with one of the diseases that they offer help with. Funny isn’t it how these things pan out.

This year, I’ve donated two necklaces (one of which is shown in the mage above). I haven’t mentioned that I make jewellery – well I haven’t made any for a while as my hands are very shaky and shaky hands cannot make jewellery. Fortunately, I knew the auction was happening, so I made these a while back when I was still well enough.

The Lifespan auction is being held at a gallery in Newcastle upon Tyne called the Biscuit Factory on the 4th of October. I usually go each year and always buy something, as they have utterly wonderful pieces for auction, often by very famous artists, like Tracey Emin, Anthony Gormley and Beryl Cook (yes I feel quite humbled that my work is in amongst those). This year I may not make it, I’ll see how I am. At least I can give them something to auction. Organisations like this are so important. Serious illness affects not just the person who has the disease, but their family as well. I’ve also realised that being ill, for so long, with such a scary illness, affects your mind as well as your body. Having people who understand that and can offer advise and practical help is so important.

Fingers crossed Lifespan get a good crowd and make a lot of money at the auction.

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§ 10 Responses to A really good organisation called Lifespan

  • What beautiful work! Hubby makes jewellery, so I know what’s involved in getting such a wonderful finish,

  • Nichole Smith says:

    Crazy how the world works sometimes!! I haven’t looked at your jewelry website yet, that’s on my to-do list today (it’s right above take a nap, you are THAT important to me).
    I had always noticed the welders gear on your FB pic, but just assumed you were some badass welder chick πŸ™‚

    • susiemorrow says:

      OMG I SO see myself as a badass welder chick – I AM that person. LOL! And Im so impressed I’m above the take a nap check box, thats one of my most important check boxes too! Naps are one of the treatments for dermatomyositis (in my book they are anyway). Today I am very sore in fact and I think I feel a nap coming on too xxxxxx

  • It is a beautiful piece from a beautiful person! I am glad this organization is there for people like you. β™₯

    • susiemorrow says:

      Thanks Kim, thats a lovely thing to say, Lifespan are so good and they are lovely people too who run it. I hope the necklaces make them some money. Im hoping to catch you on MSN soon ❀ xxx

  • Maryann Parker says:

    Hi Susie
    I am really enjoying reading your new blog. I can relate about working with my hands, or shall I say not being able to work with my hands. I am a massage therapist and a potter. So when I got DM and could do neither I was really depressed. But the good news is, now… 16 months later after treatment I am able to do both. I can’t over do it, need to rest more than before, but I am grateful I am able to use my hands again. I just fired the kiln today, and that felt terrific. I know you will be able to use your hands again to make this beautiful jewelry.

    • susiemorrow says:

      Maruska, thank you for reading mine and Suz’s mad ramblings, it helps to share the experiences with people like yourself. DM is a horrible disease and hardly anyone knows about it – even doctors. It’s great to hear you’re back at the wheel, although I am sure it’ll still be more tiring than before. The thing that gets me the most about my hands is the shakiness, I am so clumsy because of it – just typing this is quite tricky and I have to really concentrate. Thanks again, I’m almost 4 months into treatment a bit to go, but god to hear that you are much better – thank you xxx πŸ™‚

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